Wk #14 Come Come Ye Saints!

Wow it is so great to hear from you all and see how well all of you are doing. I can see the joy that all of you have in your eyes and it is one of the things that keeps me going throughout the week. Thanks for emailing me and sending out so supportive thoughts and prayers. You guys have no idea how much it helps. 

1. The weather is starting to warm up but it is kind of a bit wacky. One day it will be really warm the next it will be freezing. The closer we get to December the warmer it gets and then summer starts. Oh boy from what I have heard from other missionaries summer is going to be one crazy ride
2. I have seen the Elders from my CCM group, others more than not. All of them are really positive and happy and it is nice to see all of us progressing in our training together
3. Excercise usually consists of running 😁. President Morgan has stressed a lot of cardiovascualr activty so that means we get to go running YEAH! We do other things as well we have a pull up bar in the back patio and Elder Nava made me seta goal of doing 6 pull ups by the end of this transfer. We will see how that goes. 
4. Nothing needed here. Your love is all I need. 
5. Living with just Elder Nava at first was really hard but with patience and trying to be like my Savior, we are actually starting to become a really good team. More on that a bit later
6. We get to go to the temple every 3 months. I went my first P-Day in the field in August so I will probably go next transfer or the one after that. 

A note for Mom: About your question about how I am exactly doing....I am doing great. Are there days that I wish I could talk to you about the stresses and challenges I face? Absolutely. There have been days that have been really hard for me. But on the other hand, there have also been days of exceeding great joy. I am starting to understand more the phrase in the scriptures that appears often "Words cannot describe..." Is the mission hard? Absolutely. But words cannot describe the love, joy, and peace I feel right now. A big support for me when we get rejected, often pretty harshly, is that even though some of the people here are not that loving, I will always have a loving mother, father, and siblings back home and for eternity. LOVE YOU!

Ok so about some of my investigators. First, Daniela Duran. Daniela has come a long way. >Her family was baptized but she was too young when they wre so she is reciving the lessons now. She is only 9 years old so we have to teach very simply, often teaching gospel principles through drawings. She is so sweet. She drew me a picture of Pikachu and I took it and glued it in my journal. It is really simple but it means a lot to me. She only has to attend the chapel one more time and she is ready for her baptismal interview. I am so excited. Hopefully this transfer she will be baptized. We will just have to wait and see. 

Second is Manuel Fabian. We actually did not find Manuel, he found us. He contacted us in the street asking where the chapel was because he wanted to attend. We thought he was a golden investigator which he is but his baptism is a bit complicated. A few years ago he was baptized in the church by siome elders in Peru. The problem is that he never was confirmed a member of the Church. He has pictures of his baptism but because of transfers and miscommunication, he was never confirmed and his baptism was 2 years ago. We are currently waiting for President Morgan to get an answer on whether we baptize him  again or just do the confirmation. He has to go through a lot of channels in order to get an answer from the First Presidency(yeah as in Thomas S Monson) on what we should do. While we are waiting we are reviewing the lessons so that if we reach an answer in the afffirmative, we get him to the font as soon as possible. 

There are a lot more people I want to tell you about. As more of them progrerss I will be sure to bring them up. Quick note about piano. Apparently word has gotten around about me playing piano in our ward because recently the stake reached out asking me to play at stake conference. While it is an enormous blessing, it is a ton of work. Not am I only playing the opening abnd closing song for each of the three sessions(adult, priesthood,general) I am also accompaning the stake choir in at least 5 different songs. Yeah it is a lot. But I have plenty of opportunities to practice and prepare. I will let you know how it goes Stake conference is not until the beginning of November so we are all good.

Love you guys. 
Elder Landon Evans

 I forgot the name of this dish but it is French Fries covered with a huge fried egg, meat, and a side of rice. It was awesome!
(Do not worry Mom this was a rare occasion, I do not eat like this all the time)

Enjoying the new tie Mom sent me and the new haircut I got as well

A brief preview of what I do to unwind at night: Writing in my journal and listening to my music. 

A 10000 thousand peso note. In dollars it is worth about 15-20.The money here is kind of weird. 


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