Week #16 The Perfect Path to Happiness

Hey guys. Thanks for emailing me and updating me on things that are happening back home. While I am sad to hear that Grandpa Nielsen passed away and Faye Johnson as well, I know that both of them are very happy right now. I know how much Grandpa missed Grandma Nielsen and how happy he must be right now to be with her for time and all eternity. 

1. What are you doing today for Pday?  Today we have an activity with all the elders in our zone. We are going to play futbol and eat some really good food. After we are probably going to just come back to the apartment and rest. 
2. How's the weather down there?  Getting warmer?  It is getting much warmer down here and everyone says it is going to get a lot worst. It really is not that bad but with wearing a shirt and tie every day, it can be pretty tough. Just drinking plenty of water and I pulled out my sunscreen last night so I am ready to go. 
3. How's the piano practicing coming along?  Ok so about piano. I am still playing in the ward but playing in stake conference is noit going to happen. Sunday we received a call from one of the brethren in the stake saying they found a brother to play instead. They were very grateful for my help beforehand. At this pojnt, I am ok with it. The members need to be participating in their own stake conference and this news gives us a lot more time to work in our area
4. How many empanadas do you eat in a week?  I have eaten probably 5 empanadas this week and I have one waiting for me in the fridge back in the apartment 😁

Glad to hear about your gospel sharing experience Mom. I am so happy that you were able to share it with someone. It takes a lot of courage to open our mouths and do it which is something I am constantly working on here in the mission. But when we do so, the Lord has promised the Spirit will be with us and give us the words we need to say. 

Just a quick update about Daniela before I wrap up this email. Daniela passed her baptismal interview and is going to be baptized! Yeah! My first baptism!. While sometimes it has been frustrating that it took this long, I am so excited that Daniela chose to follow the Savior and be baptized. Something I have to look forward to with all this is that her family asked me to do her confirmation. I have never confirmed anyone a member of the Church in English or SPanish so I have been working every day in order to be ready. I will lket you know how it goes.

Love you all. 
Elder Landon Evans

Sorry I only have  2 pictures this week but I will have a lot more next week with the baptism of Daniela

It's short sleeve weather time! Wahoo!!!

A quick picture of my study area. Currently reading the Book of Mormon in English during personal study and I am also trying to read it completely in Spanish during language study. Also reading Jesus the Christ at night and during free time. 


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