Week #20 Estamos aqui para servir

Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! It is kind of weird that Thanksgiving is so soon. Chile obviously does not celebrate Thanksgiving so honestly if no one said anything I would have probably forgotten all about it and remembered several days later. 

 A few Q&A
1. I am becoming more accostomed to the heat but it is tough sometimes. It is kind of motivation to find people and teach them so we can get inside. I bring my water bottle everywhere I go. I put on sunscreen everytime before we leave. The scary thing is summer has not even started yet. But I am sure I will be fine. 
2. Like the last apartment, we have a washer and dryer in the apartment so it is fairly easy to do laundry. But President Morgan has made it very clear that we should only do it on day of Preparation(today). For me that is not much of a problem. Being obedient tends to works things out. 
3. Ok average day. We get up and go running(YEAH!!!). We return shower and eat breakfast. We do daily planning at nine a.m. and study until lunch. We have lunch with a member each day and then we go to work until 9 or 9:30 at night. Return eat a snack finish the day and plan for the next and then go to bed. I try to stay busy and have something productive to do every hour of the day. 
4. Ok weirdest thing.....One of the weirdest things is that usually once a month I find someone who speaks English. I try to talk with them and share the gospel but it is easier in Spanish because I have done it so many times. Take Thursday for instance, I found a German humanitarian worker and we started talking about religion. It was a good discussion but it was tough because I was speaking "Spanglish" the whole time. Who knows I might need a lot of help speaking English when I come home. 
5. I have met a few of our neighbors. Most in our first HOA meeting(yeah...)They are friendly and helpful. But as fair as neighbors go, they are pretty ordinary
6. This transfer our focus is service which is great! We ask for srvice all the time and we are so busy doing it. For example we are helping a wonderful sister in our ward named Hermana Rosas prune her tree. It is a lot of fun and we still have more to do. I even have some pictures!

7. Ok Dad asked about President Morgan. I love President Morgan and his wife Hermana Morgan. They are both incredible teachers and I have the utmost respect for both of them. I cherish every opportunity I have to see them and receive their counsel. 
8. The best thing about the mission...For me the change I have seen is myself is the best thing. I have found a lot of joy in the work, thanks to our new focus. It is hard sometimes and I miss all of you but I know this is where I am supposed to be preparing me for the next bigs steps in my life. 

Got to wrap things up pretty quick. I just want you guys to know that I am praying for you and that I think of you every day. I know this Gospel is true and has and will bless us more than we can imagine. I know that my Redeemer lives and that He is truly in His Work here in Santiago. 

Love you guys

(mom note:  There wasn't a description to his pictures this week.  But the bottom one is of his Christmas package we sent him.  The last package took 6 weeks for him to get so we were very early.  Now Landon has to wait awhile to open it or not:))


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