Week #37 One Year Ago...

Starting off the email is always the hardest part. Not entirely sure why. Anyway I already I did. This week was pretty good. Very busy and the time just goes by faster and faster. I love it here in Geronimo de Alderete A with Elder Bastias. 

Did Patricia get baptized on Saturday?  Patricia did not end up getting baptized. Due to the economic problems she has had as well as some other things, she asked for some time until she can be baptized. She still wants us to come visit her, she is going to keep going to church, and has a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. She has just hit a bump in the road and needs some times. 
How are you and your companion getting along? Elder Bastias and I are doing great. The first transfer always take a little bit adjusting to but the transfers following are a little bit easier because you are already adjusted to your companion, their personality, and how they work. 
The missionaries in my apartment! 

Are you exercising?  I exercise every day. Unfortunately I cannot leave and going running with Elder Bastias. I miss running but I recognize that it is not in my reach right now. I do push ups, crunches, kayaks, stretches, the plank, six inches, and a few more. I am sure once I get a companion that can run we are going to go running. 
What was the best moment last week? The best moment of last week was yesterday. I was on exchanges with Elder Bodily my zone leader. It was awesome. We got a lot done and had a successful day. We found a less active mom who wants her son that is 8 to be baptized. That was pretty cool even though it was not in my area. 
Is there someone you see daily besides your companion or the missionaries you live with? In the apartment we live there are a few guys that run the gates. They open it and help people check in if they are visiting. We passing by enough every day that they know who we are and we have had a few conversations with them. They are really nice guys that are actually quite fond of the missionaries. 
Has the weather cooled down? In the morning, it is cold. At night, it is cold too. But it is still so hot in the middle of the day. It should keep dropping a little by each day. Rain storms start up next month(yeah!) and winter officially starts in May/June. 
Tell me about someone you are currently teaching? Someone we are currently teaching is Carlos Arias. He is 20 years old and has been investigating the Church a while. His mom is less active and he is agnostic. He is fairly open to our teachings. Ok that was a bit of an understatement. He really enjoys it when we pass by. He even read the Book of Mormon all the way through. He still is hesitant about being baptized but he is coming along bit by bit

I am really excited for the next few weeks. We have interviews with President, zone conference, intercambios, general conference, days of preparation, and plenty of people to work with. It is a really busy exciting time and I love it. 

Let's get to work! 

The reason I titled this email One year Ago is beacuse of something that came to my mind recently. When I was looking at my calendar, I realized that it has been about a year since I opened my mission call and recieved my call to serve. A year ago my life was changed forever. This last year has gone by so fast and it just keeps going. I am so grateful that I have the blessing of serving the Lord and his children here in Chile. Words cannot describe how I feel for this wonderful work. 

Love you guys!
Elder Landon Evans


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