Week #39 Happy 9 Months!

Hey everyone how is it going? Time is flying down here and we have so much to do each and every day. It is a bit overwhelming yet so exhilariting at the same time. Let's review the last week, shall we?

Well honestly it can be summed up in 4 words:
Hanging out waiting for priesthood session

What an incredible weekend. There were so many amazing talks that I cannot even start about which is my favorite, though President Nelson probably takes the cake. And the annoucements were mind blowing. No more hometeaching, elders and high preists combining into one quorum, and 7 new temples. It was awesome watching conference seeing that President Nelson is not wasting anytime as the new prophet. He is going right to work and asking all of us to rise up with him(Reference to the end of the priesthood session which is a moment I will never forget) 

I could honestly talk about conference this entire email. It was definitely one to remember. 

But many other great things happened this week as well!
1. Interview with President- President Morgan is an incredible man and leader. It is sad to think I only have two more interviews until he goes home which is really sad. He gave me a lot of advice I needed and he got me really excited to give everything I have until the end. 
2. Temple- Today I had the opportunity to go to the temple again this morning. I have missed the temple so much. The power and presence of the Lord really is in that holy place. Going to the temple today got me excited to do what I can while I am here in Chile and doing a ton more when I go home. 

Two pics of me at the temple

3. Easter- Easter was pretty chill this year. With conference this weekend we did not do much to celebrate but a wonderful member that lives downstairs from us brought us Easter sweets Sunday night. It was awesome. Also, thank Mom I got the Missionary Service package. I love it!
Easter Package yeah!

 Rocking the Easter Bunny Glasses 

I did hear some news that the CCM in Chile was going to close. I do not know when or why but I am grateful for the experience I was able to have there. It was one of a kind and one I will never forget

Les quiero! CuĂ­dense!
Elder Evans
One of the weirdest things I had for lunch. It was zuchinni, beef, and potatoes. 

My Washington Husky combo(golden pants, purple tie)


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