Week #43 Consistently Improving

Hey everyone! Hope you guys all had an amazing week. We had an awesome one. It was super busy and it flew. Let me tell you how it went. 

1. My new companion is Elder Lainex from Peru. He is the 2nd of 6. His whole family are members of the church(first companion I have had in the field that was not a convert). He can be quiet at times but has a great desire to serve. That is all one really needs to have to be a successful mission so I am really excited for what is in store this transfer. 

2.What is it like to be a District Leader?  Honestly it still has not clicked in that I am district leader. The circumstances I am in are way different from what I would normally be doing because our district lives together. So I have tried working one by one to gain their trust and respect and we have had a great time so far. It has only been one week and we have grown really closeNext Monday I will have to teach my first district meeting. I will let you know how that goes. 

3. What missionaries are in your apartment now? Elder Di Leo and I are the older ones in the apartment. Elder Lainez is with us and the missionary Elder Di Leo is training is Elder Ribeiro from Brazil. He is trying to learn Spanish so we have all been trying to do our part to help him out.

Today was Labor Day in Chile so everything was closed. So we hanged out in the apartment all day and we are now writing in the chapel. One thing we did was count all the coins Elder Di Leo has gathered up during his mission. He goes home soon in July. 

4. How did you zone change? Our zone is completely different. About half of the missionaries that were her last transfer are gone to other zones. But great news Elder Myers my CCM companion is now in my zone. I was super excited when I heard that. We have already had a few times to talk and catch up. His companion Elder Orrego is one of the other district leaders so I will be seeing him around. 

5. Patricia is doing well. We are wrapping up the lessons and she is coming really close to sending off smoking for good. We are on track for her baptism in May 19th. Honestly it is a little stressful leading and taking charge for a baptism making sure everything goes OK. But so far it has so it will be ok. 

6. Spanish is going really well. I still do not understand things at times but I feel comfortable enough with the language that I can talk to pretty much anyone about anything. People are still understanding and still talk slower than usual but in general I feel fairly capable in Spanish now. 

The mission has been hard but has been absolutely a blessing and a time of growth. An example of that was last Friday. We had an activity with the missionaries from the CCM (Santiago MTC). They came to our areas and worked with us for a few hours. I was with Elder McCracken from Idaho. He was such a good guy. He was still learning Spanish of course because he has only been here for 3 weeks. But it was an insightful experience for me because I remember being like that. Struggling with the language apprehensive about the dyas ahead. Looking at me then and me now is an eye widener. I am completely different. Sure I still have plenty of more improving to do. That is the subject line is Constantly Improving or in other words Repentance. The Lord has far more in store for us tha we can imagine and day by day week by week we get to obtain a part of the vision He has for us and what we can become. 

Love you guys! 
Elder Evans

This is our chapel. Thought you guys would like to see that. 


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