Week #44 Look unto me in every thought Doubt not Fear Not

Hey everyone! How is it all going? Cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Also all the mission calls are incredible. What a great time we live in, isn't it? I do not have time to write everyone who got a call indivdually but congrats to everyone. You have all made a decision that will change your life forever. 

Quick Q&A
1. Um yeah I was with Elder McCracken from Twin Falls! That is so cool! Interesting to see the connections that still happen while on the mission
2. It has gotten a lot colder. In the middle of the day it is actually very enjoyable. But in the morning and later at night it gets much colder. And it is only going to get colder. I remeber my first winter last August(😨 whoa how fast time has gone). This is nothing compared to what is coming. 

This week was awesome. My email's subject title is D&C 6:36. At zone conference this week President announced that this was going to be our new focus for this transfer. I do not know if I talked about this before but every transfer we receive a focus. Sometimes it is using Preach my Gospel or talk with everyone but every transfer we get a theme to help us focus in our work during that transfer. The focuses we have receive each transfer have strengthened my testimony that the Lord is leading His mission. I know President Morgan is a God's chosen servant for right now here in Santiago East and that each focus we have received has been the will of the Lord for us to focus in every 6 weeks. 

The zone of La Florida!

Speaking of Preisent Morgan, he only has 2 months left. ðŸ˜­ I am going to miss him so much. He has always been a huge help during my mission and he is an incredible man of God. But I am so excited to see what President Brotherson is going to bring next July. Woohooo!

Patricia is doing really well. She should have her interview this week and her baptism the next. Elder Bastias is coming back to baptize her and I am going to be there to help. Yesterday we reviewed the baptismal interview questions and it was amazing to see how far she has come and the good she has done. Also another investigator Osbaldo Rojas accepted a date for June 9th. 

Cleaning the baptismal font

Being district leader is going really well. I taught my first district meeting yesterday. I felt like it went well and that everyone(especially me) benefited from it. Interviews with President Morgan for the last time are coming up and we has going to be having exchanges with the district and the zone leaders in the next few weeks. I love staying busy because I love the feeling of accomplishing something good, especially in the Lord's vineyard. What a blessing it is to be a missionary!

Love you guys!
Elder Landon Evans

Elder Myers and me (CCM companion) 

Torta de verdura. Crepes with vegetables in between


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