Week #67 When You Believe!

Hello everyone how are you doing? Today is a little weird for us because we were not able to get keys to the chapel so we got permission to look for something else and we are now writing in a small internet cafe just like the old days. This is an exception not the norm. Next week we will be back in the chapel. 

1.  Is all of Chile watching and participating in the temple dedication?  What is the missionaries involvement in it? Yes all of Chile will be participating. It will be super exciting. We as missionaries get to go to 2 sessions There is one at 9, 12 or 3. Every session is different so it is going to be an awesome Sunday.  I am super excited
2. How was your last week?  What is new in Chile?   This week was super good. Thevenin and Matias both came to church on Sunday. That is their 3rd time so once we finish their lessons and decide that they are ready they will be interviewed and baptized. The one that wll happen soon is probably Thevenin. Her interview will probably be this Saturday. I will let you guys know how it goes next week
3. Did you see my message last week about Tessa Peery (she went to school with Landon and is heading to his mission)? Yeah that is way awesome. We are heading to the temple soon so when we go I will keep an eye out for her and when she shows up in Santiago Este I am sure I will run into her quick. 

Also, Jean Martin is doing really well. Our next appoint we are going to finish the lessons and he has plans to ask November 4th off so he can come to church. Once that is done we are baptizing him easily. The only hard part is we are going to have to explain to him that he needs to come to Sunday after his baptism to be confirmed

This next week is going to be very busy. We have a meeting yesterday with President Bortherson for the leaders of the mission. Tomorrow is weekly
planning with Thursday being district meeting.
 Friday we will have intercambios and Saturday should be Thevenin's interview and on Sunday we will have an activity with the elders quorum to find less actives. If we do it right this transfer is going to fly. 

This week I learned a lot about having a good attitude. There were several times during the week when I did not know what to do next and we still had a few hours before us. But instead of muttering about fallen appointments or exhaustion I was feeling I just chose to keep going despite their challenges. Come what may and love it you know? And when I did that I found that with a little patience the needed guidance came and we were able to have some solid success. 

Love you guys! We will be talking son. Cuidense!!!
Elder Evans

P.S: These computers here are really old and I do not have a way of getting my SD card in to upload the pictures but next week there will be double!

(here is a screen shot of the street Landon lives on in Violeta Cousino)


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