Week #71 D&C 58:2-4(Pretty good summary of the last few weeks)

Hey fam! How is everyone doing? 

1. What was the best moment of the week? Easily this Saturday. Matias, Thevenin, and Jean all had their baptismal interviews and THEY ALL PASSED! It was so exciting each time to see each one come out smiling and excited for their baptisms. It was a very satisfying experience. 
2. What was the hardest moment of last week? The hardest moment was right before the interviews because there was some miscommunication and because of it the interviews got complicated and it stressed me out. But thanks to the principle mentioned in the scripture in the title everything turned out alright
3. Do you ride Taxi's?  How else do you get around? Every now and then but we mostly take the bus. They have a metro system here called BIP where you just load a card up with money beforehand and then it charges it when you get on the bus. 
4. Are Matias and Thevnin a couple?   Related?  No they are not a couple. They are related by means of progress. They reached several milestones toward baptism at the same time so that is why they were often mentioned together. 

Things are cooling down this week. There was also a sick thunderstorm last night and it should rain again today. But it is probably going to go back to being hot this week. 

So with the 3 baptisms this Saturday that is going to be the main focus on our weekend then next Monday are transfers. Whether I go or not is up in the air but whatever the Lord wants me to do I will  be doing the best I can. 

Have a great week! Love you guys!
Elder Evans

The Zone


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