Week #101 Shall We Not Go On In Such Great A Cause

Hello everyone? How is it going? Today is a sentimental day for me because today is my final preparation and thus this email will be my last weekly. It is amazing how fast the time has flown. So many things have happened in these last 2 years and because of that I will never be the same again. 

We had a lot to do this week. We had interviews with President Brotherson on Friday and I was able to renew my temple recommend. It was amazing to think that it had been 2 years since I had my first temple recommend interview with Dad and how many wonderful experiences I have had in the temple since then. 

We also had interchanges with Elder Ashton and Elder Hartley this week. They are a great companionship of elders. I was with Elder Hartley and we had a great day. 

On Sunday we had a mission fireside. It was fun because with my companion and another elder from my zone, we did a musical number of Oh My Father/Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. It was supĂ©r fun. I also received a surprise towards the end when Raul( one of my converts from El Parque, my last area) went up to the pulpit and gave his testimony. It was also a sentimental night because there were many missionaries there who I wont have a chance of seeing again before I go so it was our chance to say goodbye. 

Yesterday in district council we had a testimony meeting. Since I am the only one going home this transfer I went last to give my final testimony. To start off I recited something I have been trying to memorize for the last few months: the Living Christ. I then tried to offer my personal witness of the truthfulness of this Gospel. It was an extraordinary experience for me. Though I felt nervous, tired, and anxious I had the strength to keep going and the words came.

Words cannot describe what the mission means to me and what it has done for me. I will miss the many benefits about being a missionary and the many spiritual experiences that accompany it as well. These 2 years were a sacrifice to be sure but it was completely worth it. I have fought the good fight. I have struggled, made mistakes and fallen short. But the Lord has reached down with his arm of mercy and has strengthened me in every way possible. 

Though my mission has come to an end, I will not cease to be a missionary. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. This is the Church which is directed by true prophets seers, and revelators. God lives and cares! I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ Amen


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