Week #56 Miracles

Hey everyone! How is it going? Hope you are doing better Lydia after your wisdom teeth surgery. It is a wonderful excuse to eat as much ice cream as you want hahaha. Cannot belive that today is July 31st. The time goes by so fast.....

-Where are your roommates from? OK Elder Gonzales is from Lima; Peru. The other two are called Elder Robins(from Texas) and Elder Dixon(from North Dakota). They are both super awesome. Elder Dixon is in his training which is super fun. I cannot believe it has been nearly a year since I started my training. Being new was awesome and such a fun learning experience. 
A picture from intercambios with Elder Bastias (former companion)

- Who did you teach last week?  We taught a lot of people this week. One to note is Beatris, the wife of a recent convert who now has a baptismal date. She is super awesome. She has all the lessons. She just needs to come to church one more time and stop drinking tea and she is ready. It is super exciting and super fun to be here in Violeta CousiƱo. So many good things are happening. 

-What are some changes your new mission president has made?  There have been a few minor changes thus far but I think next week I will be able to answer this one better. Tomorrow we have zone conference(our first with President Brotherson) and I imagine that many changes are on their way. We will just have to wait and see. 

P-day plans? We are actually a little tight on time today. This morning we had zone activity. We played kickball and ate completos(what a hot dog would be after the Resurrection). We might get hair cuts after writing and then going to the apartment to rest for a bit before 6:30. 

-What is a lesson you learned last week?  The lesson I learned this week is that there will always be opposition to the truth. Remember Schneider that I told you last week? We have hit a bit of a bump in the road with his progress towards baptism. Right when I thought everything was perfect and we were set for a quick baptism, we got a text from Schneider saying that due to some family affairs he wants a month without receiving the lessons. I was super sad when I heard that. But the good side is that he only wants a temporary break, not a permanent one. There is always opposition in the covenant path, especially for people that are outside the Church. Economic problems, family issues, things friends says. Up until now, I have seen very few baptisms when, circumstance wise, the sun was shining and the sky was clear. There is always a last minute obstacle we have to face. So it will be with Schneider. but with faith in Christ, we can overcome such challenges and bring about much good in the lives of others and our own. 
Our chapel

- How do you think the mission has changed you for the better? I will finish up my email answering this question. There are many, many answers to this question. But for me, the mission has helped me to overcome fear and to open my mouth. I remember how I was before the mission. A little shy and timid, happy to stay in the background. And I remember how I started my mission. Scared to talk to random people in the street and share what was sacred and valuable to me, only to have it, in many occasions, have it tossed to the side like garbage. But with time, I learned to be brave and to focus more on what the Lord thought of me, than others. I still have things to work on in this aspect and knowing myself, i imagine it will always be that way. But because of the mission, it will be better. 

Love you guys so much. Since I canot write Gracie, tell her I love her too! Take care. Have an awesome week!

Elder Evans

All of these pictures are of a leather scripture case I bought for myself recently. The front is the picture of Jesus's baptism on PMG and the SLC temple on the back with a map of Chile and our mission logo on the side.


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